BBQ speaker group photo including Ada Dems chair Jackie Groves, D18 Senator Janie Ward-Engelking, Lt. Governor candidate Kristin Collum, Gubernatorial candidate Paulette Jordan, D18 Representative Ilana Rubel, and D18 Representative candidate Brooke Green.


Wide photo of hundreds of BBQ attendees eating and enojying a good time.

As volunteers setup and prepared for the Third Biennial Idaho District 18 Democrats Campaign Kickoff BBQ, a nice breeze and moderate temps set the stage for a beautiful late June evening. But volunteers worked feverishly knowing that hundreds of progressive friends would be arriving soon!

Every two years the Idaho District 18 Democrats put on this free BBQ with past showings ranging from 300-400 guests. A few days prior to the event, RSVP numbers swelled to almost 550. With D18 precinct committeepeople knocking doors to deliver BBQ invitations and invitations being sent by email and post, a record turnout was expected. To add to the anticipation of free food and good company among fellow Democrats was the scheduled speaking appearances of the District 18 legislative candidates (Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking, Rep. Ilana Rubel and Rep. candidate Brooke Green), Idaho’s next Lt. Governor, Kristin Collum and Idaho’s next Governor, Paulette Jordan! All but one statewide/county Democratic campaign would also be represented at the event making this a fantastic opportunity for D18 voters to meet these candidates, discuss issues and get fired up for November. At least 650 to 700 people took up this opportunity and made for a fantastic evening! Be sure to check out all the pictures from the event on Facebook!

The Idaho District 18 Democrats thank everyone who attended, particularly all our great Democratic candidates as well as all who donated at the event or at fundraisers over the past year that made this possible. A special thanks to those who contributed greatly in their time and expertise to make this a smashing success:

  • A huge group of volunteers that handled a wide variety of important event functions and all the candidates that joined in
  • Dena Duncan, John Goettsche, Megan Goodhew, Carolyn Moore, Jordan Morales, and Rex Sermon for serving on the D18 BBQ subcommittee, planning and overseeing the execution of the entire event
  • Indivisible Boise for registering voters
  • The Steelworkers Local 632 Union for letting us borrow their extra large grill
  • Mark Altekruse for providing and handling the audio equipment that was a big improvement from years prior
  • Evan Peter for designing our hand delivered invitations

If you’d like to get involved in District 18 efforts like this or get on their email list for future events, please email them at with your name, home address and email address.

BBQ speaker group photo including Ada Dems chair Jackie Groves, D18 Senator Janie Ward-Engelking, Lt. Governor candidate Kristin Collum, Gubernatorial candidate Paulette Jordan, D18 Representative Ilana Rubel, and D18 Representative candidate Brooke Green.