Meridian Library Hearing Update

On Monday, March 20th, there’s a hearing set by the Ada County Commissioners about the petition to dissolve the Meridian Library District. 

At this point, it’s anyone’s guess how the Ada County Commissioners are going to respond. They might decide to allow the petition, and put the dissolution of the Meridian Library District on the ballot. Make no mistake: there is no chance that this will simply “reorganize the library” or even just fire the current library board without recalling them. 

The dissolution of the Library District would require the county commission to immediately sell all the assets of all of the libraries in Meridian. This worst-case scenario is all we can expect if this is put on the ballot and passes. 

All we can do for now is make sure that voters from Meridian submit their testimony in support of the Libraries on Monday at 6:00 PM at the Ada County Courthouse. 

If you live in Meridian and you want to submit your testimony, arrive a little early to check in. 

We just have to be ready for whatever comes next. I will be ready to spring into action, and I hope you will be there with me, making phone calls and knocking on doors tirelessly to stop the destruction of these treasured community resources.

SB 1056 – The Militia Bill

A lot is going on in the Idaho legislature. One of the bills we’re all keeping our eyes on is SB 1056 – a bill introduced by one of my least favorite Legislators of all, Dan Foreman. 

This bill would remove standing Idaho laws against militias showing up in force anywhere they want, armed with whatever they want, to harass whoever they want. Obviously, this bill would be horrendous. 

Sen. Ruchti reminded the Senate of the rallies this bill might rekindle- those from the 90s in Coeur D’Alene, thrown by the Aryan Nation. There hasn’t been any movement on this bill in the last week, but we will send out a call to action to testify against this bill if it begins moving forward again.

Absentee Voting/Student ID Bills

House Democrats helped defeat a bill designed to restrict absentee voting this week. Republicans were divided on the bill and it came down to Democrats to protect our voting rights! Thank you, House Democrats! 

But another restrictive bill banning the use of Student IDs to vote passed both the Senate and House and is headed to the Governor’s desk. Send your message to the governor’s office by clicking HERE

HB71 – Anti Trans Care Bill

Tomorrow morning the Senate Health and Welfare Committee will hear HB71.

This bill will make all gender-affirming care for minors illegal. Yet again, the Idaho Legislature wants to put the government in charge of everyone’s personal medical decisions. Yet again, they’re using false premises to justify bigotry.

Volunteer Teams

There is always a lot going on. Sometimes, this can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, it means there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved to help out.

If you are interested in helping the Ada County Dems, click HERE to sign up for a volunteer team!

Lily Pannkuk
Field Director
Ada County Democrats